2 min read

【跟GNA一起去台灣同志大遊行】Join GNA this Taiwan Pride!

【跟GNA一起去台灣同志大遊行】Join GNA this Taiwan Pride!

親愛的 GNA之友:





🌟 我們非常重視包容性:GNA歡迎任何性別、性傾向和身分認同的夥伴加入我們的工作坊和遊行行列。



As Taipei gears up for this year's Taiwan LGBT+ Pride Parade, we invite you to join GNA for Placard Making and the Pride Parade Walk!

Let's come together to celebrate diversity and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights!
To make a powerful statement and show our support, we'll be creating vibrant placards that carry messages of love and equality. Join us on 24th October at 7pm for a fun and creative pre-parade event: Pride Placard Making with GNA

After creating our placards, we'll proudly carry them in the Pride Parade on Saturday 28th October. Join us as we march together in solidarity, celebrating the LGBTQ+ community's rich history and fight for equal rights: Walk Taiwan Pride Parade with GNA

These events are open to everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or identity - all LGBTQ+ friends, allies, and supporters are welcome. 

Please RSVP to each event via the google forms to secure your spot and we look forward to seeing you there!

With love and pride!