GNA Youth Capacity Building Program 亞洲鬧世代青年培力營

We are thrilled to host Generation Now Asia’s 2023 Youth Capacity Building Program, inviting young Taiwanese and Southeast Asian people to come together to build essential skills in human rights advocacy and campaign building for social change.
Designed for Taiwanese and Southeast Asian youth, this program is about fostering a tight-knit community, establishing transnational relationships and starting new initiatives to help build a better future.
About the program:
Bringing like-minded people together, our program will deepen your understanding of democracy and grassroots movements in the region, and offer you empowering tools to help you connect, reimagine and strategize how to call for change in society and fight for a better world.
What does it involve?
Our program is a three-day residential experience for young changemakers. Through a series of interactive and collaborative activities, you will have the opportunity to actively engage in dynamic discussions focused on regional issues and empower you to collectively lead your own campaign.
We will have a team of trainers and facilitators to guide you throughout the program, equipping you with knowledge and inspire critical thinking and mature reflection on human rights, freedom and justice.
GNA’s program will not only help you build organisational skills and give you the opportunity to work alongside people from diverse cultures and social backgrounds but also it will provide you with hands-on knowledge to make decisions concerning how to take care of yourself and your community.
Key Outcomes:
- Support you in finding community, lasting connections and creating alliances with other young people working on similar topics in Taiwan
- Help you to delve into human rights and political topics
- Connect you with civil society organisations in Taiwan
- Help you find your passion and pursue a cause
- Build youth-led solutions that drives social change
- 找到適合自己的社群,並和致力於相同議題的青年建立連結
- 讓你深入認識區域人權和政治議題
- 帶你認識台灣的公民社會團體
- 幫助您找到熱情所在並追求社會共好
- 帶領青年提出推動社會變革的策略
Win a grant!:
There will be an opportunity for selected participants to receive a small grant to go towards working on a campaign of their choice and continue putting what they have learnt during our program into action!
Core details:
Dates: 17 November (Friday) ~ 19 November (Sunday)
Location: Northern Taiwan
Organiser: Generation Now Asia (GNA)
Key Dates:
- Application Closes: 17th September 2023, 11:59pm
- Successful applicant notification: 2nd October 2023
- Program Dates: 17th-19th November 2023
活動日期:11/17 (五) ~ 11/19(日)
地點:北台灣 ( 待公佈)
- 申請截止日:2023年9月17日,晚上11:59 (UTC+8)
- 錄取通知日:2023年10月2日
- 活動日期:2023年11月17日至11月19日
Application process:
Please apply via the google form here before 17th September 11:59pm.
During your application process, if you require support with the application or have any questions about the program please contact us at:
On Wednesday 13th September we will hold a Q&A session regarding any queries you may have about the application and program.
請在9月17日晚上11:59 (UTC+8) 前填妥下方Google報名表單:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who can attend the program?
The program is for Taiwanese and Southeast Asian young people between 18-35 years old, who are living in Taiwan.
We welcome applications from youth that hold a range of different experiences with activism, so whether you are new to the organising movement or have been involved in grassroots work for a while you are welcome to apply, as long as you share the belief that together we can make a positive change in society.
How do I know if this GNA program is right for me?
If you’re concerned about the issues present in our world and want to learn how you can make a greater contribution towards resolving them, this program is specifically designed for people like you!
Where will the program take place?
The program will be in Northern Taiwan, the exact location will be shared with confirmed attendees. Transport will be arranged from Taipei for all participants. If you are based elsewhere in Taiwan, we will pay the public transport expenses for you to attend the program.
What are the dates of the program?
The program will start on Friday 17th November at 10am and will conclude on Sunday 19th November at 6pm. It will consist of 3 full days.
What language will the program be hosted in?
This program will be primarily hosted in English.
If you require help with English, please do let us know and we can provide some assistance with translating from Mandarin Chinese to English.
How much will it cost or what am I expected to cover?
Our program is free to attend, we just require a 1,000 NTD deposit once your admission is confirmed, this will then be refunded to you after attending the program.
We will provide accommodation and your meals during the program.
We will also be covering public transport within Taiwan.
When willI know the details of the program?
The official agenda of the program will be distributed to those attending by early November.
Will I receive a certificate?
Yes you will receive a certificate to say that you have taken part in Generation Now Asia’s 3 day Youth Capacity Building Program.
培力營主要針對居住在台灣的18-35歲的台灣和東南亞青年。 我們歡迎擁有各種不同社會行動經驗的青年申請,無論您是組織運動的新手,還是已經參與基層工作一段時間 ,只要您相信我們共同努力可以為社會帶來積極的改變,我們都歡迎您申請。