2 min read

We are Generation Now Asia!

We are Generation Now Asia!


Generation Now Asia (hereafter: GNA) is a non-profit organisation based in Taipei, Taiwan. GNA aims to play a role of connecting Taiwanese civil society with like-minded partners in East Asia and Southeast Asia to address the challenges that the regional civil society are facing today.

We believe that a  a robust regional civil society can strengthen the resilience. Youth organizers and grassroots communities are particularly critical assets in terms of building an inclusive society enshrines equality, diversity and tolerance. Thus, GNA primarily works to empower youths and grassroots communities in our region by creating a platform to bring them together and enhancing their capacity on multicultural and democratic organizational skills.

GNA’s projects are designed to bring diverse stakeholders together. GNA facilitates experiences sharing, capacity building and collaboration among civil societies, grassroots groups and youths in order to facilitate the development of a robust and interconnected inter-sub-regional civil society.

GNA also promotes Taiwanese government and Taiwan's civil society to play a more active role to host, support and collaborate with youths and civil society in the region.


Generation Now Asia (GNA, 亞洲鬧世代)是立案於台灣的非營利公民社會組織。我們認為一個相互連結且活躍的區域公民社會可以使我們更有能力與彈性應對今時面臨的種種挑戰。因此,我們嘗試連結與我們有相近願景的東北亞、東亞與東南亞的公民社會組織、青年行動者與草根社群,共同辨認關鍵議題並且相互賦權與合作。

