《茲事體大》Bigger than Us

《茲事體大》Bigger than Us
這齣紀錄片跟著荷蘭印尼混血環境運動者Melati Wijsen的腳步造訪世界各地正在為地球環境奮鬥的青年。這部記錄片項我們展示了這些有志青年努力改變自身所處的環境,也提醒著我們自己也是全球環境行動的一份子。
Recommended by Naomi:
The documentary follows Dutch-Indonesian environmental activist Melati Wijsen as she travels around the world meeting young people who are fighting for a better world. The film is inspiring - showcasing impassioned youth, each trying to change things in their communities - and is a powerful reminder that we all have the ability to act.