《沈默一瞬》 The Look of Silence

《沈默一瞬》 The Look of Silence
此紀錄片為導演Joshua Oppenheimer 著名紀錄片《The Act of Killing》的續集。紀錄片主角為一名1965~1966年印尼蘇哈托政權屠殺「共產黨」時受害者的弟弟,Adi。片中,導演隨著Adi到對街質問當年殺害哥哥的劊子手。此片以沈靜、沈默的風格突顯出受害家庭與加害者對話時雙方真實的情緒反應,也揭露出至今許多人仍然無法正視的傷疤。
Recommended by Doris:
The Look of Silence serves as a poignant sequel to Joshua Oppenheimer's 2012 documentary The Act of Killing. In this gripping follow-up, the director follows Adi, the younger brother of a victim brutally murdered during President Suharto's communist purge of 1965-1966. Adi sets off to confront the individuals within his village who are responsible for his brother's torture and death. Despite it being a quiet documentary, the film reveals raw and entangled emotions through engaging in conversations with both the perpetrators and victims. The Look of Silence exposes the enduring scars and unhealed wounds that continue to haunt many Indonesians.