4 min read

二二八 228 Recommendations

二二八 228 Recommendations

GNA 在這裡為你推薦一些關於二二八的電影與書籍創作。讓我們一起藉由閱看這些創作,作為悼念這場台灣歷史悲劇的一種方式。

This year marks the 77th anniversary of the 228 Massacre, as we take time to commemorate this tragedy in Taiwan’s history, here are some of GNA’s recommendations to watch and read on the topic!

《查某人的二二八:政治寡婦的故事》沈秀華 "Women’s February 28 : Stories of Political Widows" by Hsiu-hua Shen


Recommended by A-Liang:
Have you noticed? In the narratives and stories about the 228 Incident, the names mentioned are mostly those of men. So, what were the experiences of women in the 228 Incident? In this book, Professor Hsiu-hua Shen, specialising in gender studies, delves into the experiences of women who were forced to become "political widows" behind the sacrificed men in the 228 Incident. Through in-depth interviews, this book allows women to speak out in the discussion of the 228 Incident in the form of life histories.

"Green Island" by Shawna Yang Ryan


Recommended by Naomi:
A historical fiction that chronicles a family who lived through martial law, White Terror and Taiwan’s path to democratisation. Set against the backdrop of Taipei in the aftermath of 228 Massacre, the story unfolds as the father vanishes, enduring eleven years on Green Island, held as a political prisoner by the KMT. The anonymous narrator moves to America, only to discover that surveillance, Taiwan’s politics and her father’s past follows her. A vivid story of love, betrayal, survival, and developing identity, "Green Island" offers a captivating exploration of Taiwan’s twentieth century history.

《悲情城市》A City of Sadness

《悲情城市》是侯孝賢導演以台灣歷史為主題,所拍攝之三部曲的第一部,可以說是台灣人一生必看的經典之一。 電影的時空背景,設定在228事件爆發的前兩年,劇情描述國民政府於1945年光復、重新接管台灣初期的情形。由老父親與林家四兄弟所撐起的基隆林氏家族,在此期間所經歷的興衰起落、生離死別,帶出了當時台灣因戒嚴令與白色恐怖所留下的歷史傷痕,是整個台灣社會的縮影,同時在電影中也探討了當時台灣人的身分認同問題。今日的民主,是由前人的努力與傷痛所累積而成,透過這部電影,可以深入了解台灣最敏感的歷史事件,同時也可以欣賞當中濃厚的懷舊本土風情。