《東南亞史:多元而獨特,關鍵的十字路口 'A History of Southeast Asia: Critical Crossroads' by Anthony Reid

《東南亞史:多元而獨特,關鍵的十字路口 'A History of Southeast Asia: Critical Crossroads' by Anthony Reid
當代東南亞為什麼如此複雜?作者從東南亞的生態環境、地理特性與社會文化特性出發,給了我們許多線索,幫助我們理解當代東南亞的民族、宗教和國家等概念形成的過程。 這本書的厚度或許嚇退很多人,推薦人本身其實也還沒有讀完。但如果你想跳脫單一國家歷史的視角,從一個更全面宏觀的角度了解東南亞的前世今生,就是這本書了!
Recommended by Emily:
The book's thickness may discourage some readers, and honestly, I haven't finished it yet.
However, if you're curious about the overwhelming complexity of Southeast Asia, the author provides abundant clues.
By delving into the region's ecology, geography, and socio-cultural aspects, the author unravels the intricate processes that have shaped the development of ethnicity, religion, and nationhood concepts in contemporary Southeast Asia.